Sunday, August 26, 2018

Welcome to AP Physics

The 2019-2020 has started. Welcome to AP Physics.

Here's some course information:

Grades: Approximately 50% Tests, 30% Labs, 20% homework

Tests: About twice a quarter, with semester finals also. Almost always items from old AP tests, which I’ll grade by their scoring system. This will cause me to adjust the overall grading scale. See below.

Labs: Although we’ll have weekly hands-on lab assignments, I’ll only have you write up formal lab reports about twice a quarter. (The first one will be due Sept. .) Many small lab activities will require answering 3 short reflection questions.  Late labs are penalized at 10% a week.

Homework: Most homework will be submitted online through the web site   It will be graded for accuracy, but on a sliding scale because I recognize that homework is practice and created to find mistakes. Students who have difficulty getting internet access should talk with me. Accommodations will be found. No late homework accepted except for excused absences.

Grading Scale: 100-85 A, 85-70 B, 70-55 C, 55-40 D, 40

Notebook, or section of a notebook

Here is the AP Physics C page dedicated to old tests.

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